{take a} Leap Day

All day yesterday I had an idea for the perfect Instagram.  Me, jumping (15 year old girl style) on Leap Day.  Perfect, right?  Unfortunately, it is hard to take a selfie of oneself while leaping in the air.  And then…. I forgot.

As I got in bed last night, I thought to myself- DARN IT!  I lost my one chance for my leap day picture, and now I have to wait 4 more years for it…. will Instagram still be around in 4 years?  Will I be too old to be able to jump in 4 years?  My 4 year old will be 8 in 4 years- EIGHT!  What grade is that, like fourth?  He’s going to be going to college like tomorrow… (and on and on into my typical mom brain existential crisis)…

Then, I realized that, even worse than not taking a leap day picture, did I take ANY leaps yesterday?

When was the last time I took a leap of faith?

When is the last time I did something that scared me?  Tried something when I didn’t know if I would succeed?

I couldn’t answer.

Over and over in scripture, God seems to be calling people out of their comfort zones.  Into a place where they don’t know what to do or how to do it. That is the model set before us by the prophets, Jesus, the apostles, the exhortations of Paul.

And yet here I remain, in my comfortable cocoon, upset because my leap day wasn’t Instgram-tastic.


For we have not been given a spirit of timidity or fear, but one of power, love and self control.
-2 Timothy 1:7

Power. Love. Self Control.  Not fear.  Yet fear is the way I am operating in my life.

So, time to leap.  Into what?  I am not sure.  But I think it’s time to loosen up my tight grip on control and see where God leads me!  Care to join?


One thought on “{take a} Leap Day

  1. Taking a leap of faith – I like to call it jumping off the cliff. Taking a leap of faith – I like to call it jumping off the cliff. When I need to make a big decision, I pray about it a lot. But I don’t usually get a clear response of yes or no, stay or go, do or don’t. So I jump off the cliff. That means I just throw up my hands and say “God, this is yours, make whatever happens happen the way you want it.” Then I let it rest. Sometimes a clear response reveals itself and other times I simply make the decision and move ahead. Either way I move knowing that I am being caught by the hands of God and I need not fear the result. Good for you for talking about leaping with faith. That is a cliff that always has a soft landing


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